2 Corinthians 5:20-21

20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. 21For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

A little about us

ACF Church was established in April 2008, it started with five families gathered together in home settings for church services. As the years progressed, ACF Church members grew in numbers and places of worship would vary from outdoor parks and from community hall to hall. Eleven years later, ACF Church occupied an industrial building located in Cranbourne West in September 2019, our current location today. The heart of ACF Church is to see communities upon communities to come to know and be in relationship with Jesus. ACF Church is a church that welcomes all people. We are a growing, diverse family made up of people of all ages, experiences and backgrounds.

ACF Church is led by our Senior Pastors, Dick Marcial, Katherine and Jeffrey Saplala with an amazing team of leaders and members who are passionate about people and sharing the good news to all. We believe that by expressing the love of God towards others creates a beacon of light in a broken world. We believe that it is through the Holy Spirit who enables us to effectively minister and relay our mission and vision as a church.

Explore What We have to offer

ACF Church has weekly life groups that meet up mid-week and consists of bible studies and prayer meetings. We have several life groups to cater for various age groups. Stay back after the service and register with one of our friendly administrative staff for more information.

ACF Church services are held at our main location at Unit 2/12 Palomo Drive, Cranbourne West VIC 3977. Services start at 10am. Event details will be posted on our website. ACF Church has end of the month feasts for birthday celebrants. This is an amazing opportunity to invite family and friends to gather and meet face-to-face as they enjoy a variety of food provided by the celebrants.

ACF Church is a part of the Australian Christian Churches (ACC) whereby conferences, training days, and other events are shared with the church to express interest to attend. This is to build up and train upcoming leaders who want to invest in their personal development and growth in service for God’s Kingdom.